New Hope kids takes place at our physical campuses in Williston and Tioga
& also at our online campus. Every Sunday, kids have a place to learn about
the Bible, grow in their relationships with each other, and build a godly
foundation as they “Go, Grow, Give.” We provide ministry in person for 6
weeks-5th grade in 3 different environments that engage kids where they
are developmentally.

(6 months - 23 months)

(age 2-5)

(Grades K-5)

What's Happening?

Weekly Curriculum

Williston Campus and Online
9:30 AM and 11:00 AM CT
Tioga Campus
10:30 AM CT
At New Hope kids, we use GROW curriculum. Kids learn about what’s in the Bible in a fun and age-appropriate way. Check out our New Hope Here to see what we learned this week!


We are excited that you want to join us at New Hope kids! You can save time before you get to check ins by filling out our pre-registration form so we can be ready for you and your family.


Child Dedication is an important way for parents to dedicate their child’s lives to the Lord. It is not
about salvation for the child, but rather a commitment that the parents make to raise their child in
a Christian home and to be the example for their child. It is a very special process and we love to
walk with you, support you, and encourage you through it.
Baptism Bash is our prerequisite to having a child baptized at New Hope. Child baptism
is recommended for people in 3rd grade and older. If your child has been asking about
baptism or if you want more information, visit our Baptism Bash class!
New Hope kids exists to bring kids closer to God
through fun curriculum and engaging events.

We want to see our kids engage with God, but we know that we are not the biggest voice in your child's life. That's why we PARTNER with you to bring your child an experience that brings them closer to God and each other. Through our curriculum choices, we have created an environment to teach the whole family how to grow in their spiritual walk.

Here at New Hope, we provide New Hope kids during our normal service times and Online.
Williston, ND: Sundays at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM
Tioga, ND: Sundays at 10:30 AM
Online: Anytime at

When you come to New Hope, we want to make the experience great for you and your kids. Our kids environment is located in the middle of the lobby on your way to the Worship Center. Just look for the large "New Hope kids" sign. Once you get there, be prepared to be welcomed by our amazing New Hope kids Check In Team! They will ask you for some basic information to get you into our check in system, and then checking in after that will be a breeze. Your kids will get a name tag with a random letter/number sequence that matches a Parent Name Tag that you will need to pick your kids up.

Once you get into the kids area, you can drop your kid off in one of our 4 environments. We have Nursery for our nursery age kids (6 months-2 years old), Preschool for our 2-5 year olds, Elementary for our Kindergarten-3rd Grade, and Preteen for our 4th/5th Grade Class.

Your kids will then go through an age appropriate curriculum that teaches them about God and grows their relationship with each other. Look for Parent Handouts to help your kids during the week to enhance their spiritual walk and teach them more about the Bible.

Make sure to bring your parent tag to pick your child up after service!

Updates and announcements for New Hope kids can be found at our New Hope Family Ministries Facebook:

Serving in New Hope kids.

Are you feeling a pull to serve in New Hope kids? Find out how by going to our New Hope kids Application Page!

Contact us.

If you have questions or comments, please let us know!

Sunday Mornings